Nikolas Badminton is the modern futurist for our times. He researches, speaks, and writes about the future of work, how technology is affecting the workplace, how the worker is adapting, the sharing economy and how the world will evolve. He also advises established businesses and startups how to adapt and grow in the new world of evolving technology.
He is a trusted advisor to C-level executives in startups and established businesses across government, telco, high-tech, air transport, travel, pharmaceuticals, gaming, and utilities industries verticals globally.
He is also a notable speaker on the future of work and disruptive technology at universities and at conferences across North America, including SXSW, International Startup Festival, Privacy and Security Conference, Digital Economy Congress, BSides, FUEL, Pecha Kucha, Marketing Magazine, and Deloitte. He also writes for The Huffington Post, Linkedin PULSE, TechVibes, Betakit and creates events related to technology, culture and humanity.
We are seeing a revolution. Businesses can be created in a minute with a cellphone and a credit card. The ubiquity of Internet access and the sharing economy has revolutionized how we hire, grow our businesses, operate in our cities and change the world. This talk looks at the opportunities for businesses and workers when harnessing the power of online platforms and looks to how we will survive in the future ‘under the API’.
Online platforms, big data and new business practices are revolutionizing businesses, individuals and how society works. Education, transport, accommodation, fundraising, health, food, and many other industries are being revolutionized every day. This talk looks at the new world of the sharing economy, the macroeconomic and societal effect that will enables and how to take advantage and thrive as in business.